General structure

A general overview of the folder structure can be found below:

├── assets
├── docs
│  ├── src
│  │  ├── hosts
│  │  ├── nixos-containers
│  │  ├── repositories
│  │  ├── services
│  │  ├── users
│  │  └── websites
│  └── theme
│     ├── css
│     └── fonts
├── home-manager
├── host_vars
│  ├── garuda-build
│  ├── garuda-mail
│  └── immortalis
├── nixos
│  ├── hosts
│  │  ├── chaotic-v4
│  │  ├── docker
│  │  │  └── configs
│  │  ├── docker-proxied
│  │  ├── garuda-build
│  │  ├── garuda-mail
│  │  ├── github-runner
│  │  └── immortalis
│  ├── modules
│  │  └── static
│  └── services
│     ├── chaotic
│     ├── docker-compose-runner
│     └── monitoring
├── playbooks
├── scripts
└── secrets

Secrets in this repository

Secrets are managed via a custom Git submodule that contains ansible-vault encrypted files as well as a custom NixOS module garuda-lib which makes them available to our services. The submodule is available in the secrets directory once it has been set up for the first time. It can be initialized by running:

git submodule init
git submodule update

To view or edit any of these files, one can use the following commands:

ansible-vault decrypt secrets/pathtofile
ansible-vault edit secrets/pathtofile
ansible-vault encrypt secrets/pathtofile

Further information on ansible-vault can be found in its documentation. It is important to keep the secrets directory in the latest state before deploying a new configuration as misconfigurations might happen otherwise.

Passwords in general

Our mission-critical passwords that maintainers and team members need to have access to are stored in our Bitwarden instance. After creating an account, maintainers need to be invited to the Garuda Linux organisation in order to access the stored credentials.

Linting and formatting

We utilize pre-commit-hooks to automatically set up the pre-commit-hook with all the tools once nix-shell or nix develop is run for the first time. Checks can then be executed by running one of the following configs:

nix flake check # checks flake outputs and runs pre-commit at the end
pre-commit run --all-files # only runs the pre-commit tools on all files

Its configuration can be found in the flake.nix file. (click me). At the time of writing, the following tools are being run:

It is recommended to run pre-commit run --all-files before trying to commit changes. Then use cz commit to generate a commitizen complying commit message.


We have used pull-/push-based mirroring for this git repository, which allows easy access to Renovate without having to run a custom instance of it. The following tasks have been implemented as of now:

  • nix flake check runs for every labeled PR and commit on main.
  • Renovate periodically checks docker-compose.yml and other supported files for version updates. It has a dependency dashboard as well as the developer interface to check logs of individual runs. Minor updates appear as grouped PRs while major updates are separated from those. Note that this only applies to the GitHub side.
  • Deployment of our mdBook-based documentation to Cloudflare pages.
  • Deployment of our Website to Cloudflare pages.

Workflows will generally only be executed if a relevant file has been changed, eg. nix flake check won't run if only the README was changed.


Our current monitoring stack mostly relies on Netdata to provide insight into current system loads and trends. The major reason for using it was that it provides the most vital metrics and alerts out of the box without having to create in-depth configurations. Might switch to the Prometheus/Grafana/Loki stack in the future. We used to set up children -> parent streaming in the past, though after transitioning to one big host this didn't make sense anymore. Instead, up to 10GB of data gets stored on individual hosts. While Netdata agents do have their dashboard, the Dashboard provided by Netdata is far superior and allows a better insight, eg. by offering the functions feature. Additional services like Squid or Nginx have been configured to be monitored by Netdata plugins as well. Further information can be found in its documentation. To access the previously linked dashboard, use [email protected] as login, the login will be completed after opening the link sent here.