

Here, all the Docker containers that need to have proxied outgoing requests are being deployed.

Restarting containers

This can happen via the following command:

sudo systemctl restart docker-compose-proxied-root

Nix expression

{ pkgs
, sources
, ...
}: {
  imports = sources.defaultModules ++ [

  # Let Docker use squid as outgoig proxy
  # Fails to pull images if * is not excluded from proxy = {
    environment = {
      HTTPS_PROXY = "";
      HTTP_PROXY = "";
      NO_PROXY = "localhost,,*,";

  # This is another workaround for the Docker not restarting the container = {
    description = "Check whether Whoogle crashed again";
    serviceConfig = {
      ExecStart = pkgs.writeShellScript "execstart" ''
        if ! ${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl -m 10 -s http://localhost:5000/ > /dev/null; then
          ${pkgs.docker}/bin/docker restart whoogle
      Restart = "on-failure";
      RestartSec = "30";
    wantedBy = [ "" ];
  systemd.timers.check-whoogle = {
    description = "Check whether Whoogle crashed again";
    timerConfig.OnCalendar = [ "*:0/15" ];
    wantedBy = [ "" ];

  system.stateVersion = "23.05";

Docker containers

# Auto-generated using compose2nix v0.2.2-pre.
{ pkgs, lib, ... }:

  # Runtime
  virtualisation.docker = {
    enable = true;
    autoPrune.enable = true;
  virtualisation.oci-containers.backend = "docker";

  # Containers
  virtualisation.oci-containers.containers."librey" = {
    image = "";
    environment = {
      "CONFIG_CACHE_TIME" = "20";
      "CONFIG_GOOGLE_DOMAIN" = "com";
      "CONFIG_LANGUAGE" = "en";
      "CONFIG_TEXT_SEARCH_ENGINE" = "google";
    ports = [
    log-driver = "journald";
    extraOptions = [
  };"docker-librey" = {
    serviceConfig = {
      Restart = lib.mkOverride 500 "always";
      RestartMaxDelaySec = lib.mkOverride 500 "1m";
      RestartSec = lib.mkOverride 500 "100ms";
      RestartSteps = lib.mkOverride 500 9;
    after = [
    requires = [
    partOf = [
    wantedBy = [
  virtualisation.oci-containers.containers."lingva" = {
    image = "thedaviddelta/lingva-translate:latest";
    environment = {
      "DARK_THEME" = "true";
      "DEFAULT_SOURCE_LANG" = "auto";
      "DEFAULT_TARGET_LANG" = "en";
      "HTTPS_PROXY" = "";
      "HTTP_PROXY" = "";
      "SITE_DOMAIN" = "";
    ports = [
    log-driver = "journald";
    extraOptions = [
  };"docker-lingva" = {
    serviceConfig = {
      Restart = lib.mkOverride 500 "always";
      RestartMaxDelaySec = lib.mkOverride 500 "1m";
      RestartSec = lib.mkOverride 500 "100ms";
      RestartSteps = lib.mkOverride 500 9;
    after = [
    requires = [
    partOf = [
    wantedBy = [
  virtualisation.oci-containers.containers."redlib" = {
    image = "";
    environment = {
      "REDLIB_BANNER_" = "Garuda's Redlib";
      "REDLIB_DEFAULT_BLUR_NSFW" = "true";
      "REDLIB_DEFAULT_COMMENT_SORT" = "confidence";
      "REDLIB_DEFAULT_FRONT_PAGE" = "popular";
      "REDLIB_DEFAULT_HIDE_SCORE" = "false";
      "REDLIB_DEFAULT_LAYOUT" = "card";
      "REDLIB_DEFAULT_SHOW_NSFW" = "false";
      "REDLIB_DEFAULT_THEME" = "dracula";
      "REDLIB_DEFAULT_USE_HLS" = "true";
      "REDLIB_DEFAULT_WIDE" = "false";
      "REDLIB_SFW_ONLY" = "false";
    ports = [
    user = "nobody";
    log-driver = "journald";
    extraOptions = [
  };"docker-redlib" = {
    serviceConfig = {
      Restart = lib.mkOverride 500 "always";
      RestartMaxDelaySec = lib.mkOverride 500 "1m";
      RestartSec = lib.mkOverride 500 "100ms";
      RestartSteps = lib.mkOverride 500 9;
    after = [
    requires = [
    partOf = [
    wantedBy = [
  virtualisation.oci-containers.containers."searx" = {
    image = "searxng/searxng:latest";
    environment = {
      "BASE_URL" = "";
      "BIND_ADDRESS" = "";
      "HTTPS_PROXY" = "";
      "HTTP_PROXY" = "";
      "INSTANCE_NAME" = "Garuda's SearxNG";
      "NO_PROXY" = "*";
    volumes = [
    ports = [
    log-driver = "journald";
    extraOptions = [
    environmentFiles = [
  };"docker-searx" = {
    serviceConfig = {
      Restart = lib.mkOverride 500 "always";
      RestartMaxDelaySec = lib.mkOverride 500 "1m";
      RestartSec = lib.mkOverride 500 "100ms";
      RestartSteps = lib.mkOverride 500 9;
    after = [
    requires = [
    partOf = [
    wantedBy = [
    unitConfig.RequiresMountsFor = [
  virtualisation.oci-containers.containers."watchtower" = {
    image = "containrrr/watchtower:1.7.1";
    volumes = [
    cmd = [ "--cleanup" "searx" "lingva" "whoogle" "librey" ];
    log-driver = "journald";
    extraOptions = [
  };"docker-watchtower" = {
    serviceConfig = {
      Restart = lib.mkOverride 500 "always";
      RestartMaxDelaySec = lib.mkOverride 500 "1m";
      RestartSec = lib.mkOverride 500 "100ms";
      RestartSteps = lib.mkOverride 500 9;
    after = [
    requires = [
    partOf = [
    wantedBy = [
    unitConfig.RequiresMountsFor = [
  virtualisation.oci-containers.containers."whoogle" = {
    image = "benbusby/whoogle-search:latest";
    environment = {
      "WHOOGLE_CONFIG_LANGUAGE" = "lang_en";
      "WHOOGLE_CONFIG_STYLE" = ":root {--whoogle-logo: #4c4f69;--whoogle-page-bg: #eff1f5;--whoogle-element-bg: #bcc0cc;--whoogle-text: #4c4f69;--whoogle-contrast-text: #5c5f77;--whoogle-secondary-text: #6c6f85;
  --whoogle-result-bg: #ccd0da;--whoogle-result-title: #7287fd;--whoogle-result-url: #dc8a78;--whoogle-result-visited: #e64553;--whoogle-dark-logo: #cdd6f4;
  --whoogle-dark-page-bg: #1e1e2e;--whoogle-dark-element-bg: #45475a;--whoogle-dark-text: #cdd6f4;--whoogle-dark-contrast-text: #bac2de;--whoogle-dark-secondary-text: #a6adc8;
  --whoogle-dark-result-bg: #313244;--whoogle-dark-result-title: #b4befe;--whoogle-dark-result-url: #f5e0dc;--whoogle-dark-result-visited: #eba0ac;}
  #whoogle-w {fill: #89b4fa;} #whoogle-h {fill: #f38ba8;}#whoogle-o-1 {fill: #f9e2af;}#whoogle-o-2 {fill: #89b4fa;}#whoogle-g {fill: #a6e3a1;}#whoogle-l {fill: #f38ba8;}
  #whoogle-e {fill: #f9e2af;}
      "WHOOGLE_CONFIG_THEME" = "dark";
      "WHOOGLE_CONFIG_URL" = "";
    volumes = [
    ports = [
    user = "whoogle";
    log-driver = "journald";
    extraOptions = [
  };"docker-whoogle" = {
    serviceConfig = {
      Restart = lib.mkOverride 500 "always";
      RestartMaxDelaySec = lib.mkOverride 500 "1m";
      RestartSec = lib.mkOverride 500 "100ms";
      RestartSteps = lib.mkOverride 500 9;
    after = [
    requires = [
    partOf = [
    wantedBy = [
    unitConfig.RequiresMountsFor = [

  # Networks"docker-network-proxied_default" = {
    path = [ pkgs.docker ];
    serviceConfig = {
      Type = "oneshot";
      RemainAfterExit = true;
      ExecStop = "docker network rm -f proxied_default";
    script = ''
      docker network inspect proxied_default || docker network create proxied_default
    partOf = [ "" ];
    wantedBy = [ "" ];

  # Root service
  # When started, this will automatically create all resources and start
  # the containers. When stopped, this will teardown all resources.
  systemd.targets."docker-compose-proxied-root" = {
    unitConfig = {
      Description = "Root target generated by compose2nix.";
    wantedBy = [ "" ];