

This container contains our MongoDB instance, which is primarily used for storing Chaotic-AUR router metrics.

The instance requires the use of TLS, but can be accessed without presenting a valid client certificate, so that the Heroku instance the router runs on can access it easier.

Access happens via the regular MongoDB port, 27017 and the domain

Nix expression

{ pkgs
, sources
, garuda-lib
, ...
  imports = sources.defaultModules ++ [ ../modules ];

  # Our MongoDB database
  services.mongodb = {
    enable = true;
    bind_ip = "";
    enableAuth = true;
    extraConfig = ''
      net.tls.mode: requireTLS
      net.tls.certificateKeyFile: /run/credentials/mongodb.service/mongodb.pem
      net.tls.CAFile: /run/credentials/mongodb.service/ca.crt
      net.tls.allowConnectionsWithoutCertificates: true
    quiet = true;
    initialRootPassword = "yupHasAlreadyBeenChanged";
  }; = {
    serviceConfig = {
      LoadCredential = [ "ca.crt:${garuda-lib.secrets.mongodb.CA}" "mongodb.pem:${garuda-lib.secrets.mongodb.pem}" ];

  # MongoDB port is being forwarded to this container
  networking.firewall = { allowedTCPPorts = [ 27017 ]; };

  # Local management
  environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.mongosh ];

  system.stateVersion = "24.05";